Modelling ground pickup for microwave telescopes

Image credit: Fig 2


Microwave telescopes require an ever-increasing control of experimental systematics in their quest to measure the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) to exquisite levels of precision. One important systematic for ground and balloon-borne experiments is ground pickup, where beam sidelobes detect the thermal emission of the much warmer ground while the main beam is scanning the sky. This generates scan-synchronous noise in experiment timestreams, which is difficult to filter out without also deleting some of the signal from the sky. Therefore, efficient modelling of pickup can help guide the design of experiments and of analysis pipelines. In this work, we present an extension to the BEAMCONV algorithm that enables us to generate time-ordered data (TOD) from beam-convolved sky and ground maps simultaneously. We simulate ground pickup for both a ground-based experiment and a telescope attached to a stratospheric balloon. Ground templates for the balloon experiment are obtained by re-projecting satellite maps of the Earth’s microwave emission.

Part of SPIE Proceedings Volume 12190, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy
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Alexandre Adler
Alexandre Adler
PhD Student

My research focuses on how to best model beam-related systematics for various experiments.

Adriaan Duivenvoorden
Adriaan Duivenvoorden

PhD from Stockholm University in 2019. Now a Flatiron Research Fellow at the CCA.

Jón E. Guðmundsson
Jón E. Guðmundsson
Assistant Professor

Assistant professor at the University of Iceland and senior research scientist at Stockholm University.