The Simons Observatory: Modeling Optical Systematics in the Large Aperture Telescope

Image credit: Figure 1


We present geometrical and physical optics simulation results for the Simons Observatory Large Aperture Telescope. This work was developed as part of the general design process for the telescope; allowing us to evaluate the impact of various design choices on performance metrics and potential systematic effects. The primary goal of the simulations was to evaluate the final design of the reflectors and the cold optics which are now being built. We describe non-sequential ray tracing used to inform the design of the cold optics, including absorbers internal to each optics tube. We discuss ray tracing simulations of the telescope structure that allow us to determine geometries that minimize detector loading and mitigate spurious near-field effects that have not been resolved by the internal baffling. We also describe physical optics simulations, performed over a range of frequencies and field locations, that produce estimates of monochromatic far field beam patterns which in turn are used to gauge general optical performance. Finally, we describe simulations that shed light on beam sidelobes from panel gap diffraction.

Applied Optics
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Jón E. Guðmundsson
Jón E. Guðmundsson
Assistant Professor

Assistant professor at the University of Iceland and senior research scientist at Stockholm University.

Alexandre Adler
Alexandre Adler
PhD Student

My research focuses on how to best model beam-related systematics for various experiments.

Nadia Dachlythra
Nadia Dachlythra
PhD Student

My research interests include cosmology, beam modelling.